Monday, August 4, 2014

Fill a Fly Wallet for FFC

16 flies can make a world of difference.

The Fly Fishing Collaborative is continuing their mission to take their passion of fly fishing and turning it into something with global impact.

Human trafficking is something we dont see here in America often, but it's there, alive and well across the 2nd and 3rd world.  Most of the time, it's children who are the victims.

For every 10,000 raised through the sale of donated fly trips and the beautiful fly wallets they are offering on their web site, this is what the FFC does

"Every $10,000 we raise will provide a totally sustainable tilapia farm that will be built for an orphanage in order to provide them with food, income, water, and fresh produce. Additionally, this will empower their leaders to care for more children that would otherwise be sold into slavery."

Side note--they've already reached that first financial milestone

So here's what we're going to do.

I want to fill at least 2 of these wallets with steelhead flies from the talented bug wrappers that are out there.  Im looking for things you cant find in stores and will make the fulfilled wallet a piece of art from the start

I will donate 6 flies to each wallet, and I need 2 more tiers on each wallet to provide variety

Send me an email with a picture of the fly you'd like to submit and we'll arrange the specifics from then on

I can be reached at jmills81 at (haha web bots!) and I cant wait to see what we can do for children a world away.

The FFC impact is going to be big.  Jump on the train now

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